Examine Quick Relief From Constipation additional
Overcome and combat the feeling of constipation as there are proper methods to get relief from constipation. It should be detected at very early stage as regular constipation may cause severe stomach disorders and other ill feelings. Constipation is the irregular movement of bowels which causes strain, pain and dry excretion which is quite painful. It is not a harmful disease but can become one if not checked at the earliest. This is a disorder, therefore prevention and proper precaution if taken then the whole unwanted situation may be cured. It might take a harmful toil as studies have shown that intestinal cancer and poor absorption of nutrients may occur due constipation if not taken proper action.
So to get relief from constipation one must take few steps and follow some healthy rules.
Which are as follows, the most important is a proper food habit regular intake of meat and other dairy products at a high proportion would lead to having constipation; therefore, one must include a lot of fruits and vegetables, which are high in fiber and nutrients in their diet to combat this disorder. If possible have a lot of green and leafy vegetables and for a better result if they are consumed raw, so eating of fresh salads a cold soup would create wonders and magic. The next step to get relief from constipation is the intake of fluid especially water and all kinds of fruit and vegetable juice. Water is the main constituent for the relief program, therefore a constipated person should drink at least 5 to 8 glasses of water on a daily basis which also hydrates your internal parts and enables the proper flow of moisture in the intestines.
Another harmless and healthy way to relief constipation is to under go regular and proper exercising routine. It can be done through brisk walking, jogging or even swimming, because keeping oneself active and fit the best relief from constipation. Nowadays with the fast moving lifestyle there has occurred regular intake of fast food, junks and canned food would play havoc with the internal system. If not changed at the earliest temporary constipation would become chronic one, which leads to other harmful diseases. So avoid junk food and stick to healthy and proper diet so as to get relief from constipation.
Intake of nuts like almond, apricot and also fruits, vegetables and herbs like coconut, avocados and dandelion is effective as they have laxatives, therefore have them in the form of salads, soups or dips, which ever suits the best. Avoid drinking tea coffee, sodas or alcohol; instead drink water, fruit and vegetable juice which are healthy and a good way to relief from constipation. Following all this necessary and healthy rules a person suffering from or seeing the symptoms of constipation would get relief. Being strict to the rules and using them honestly would combat and give relief from constipation at an earliest and pave a path leading to a normal and a healthy, joyous life.
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Constipation Remedies For AdultsExamine Pregnancy Constipation - How To Get Rid Of It? a lot more
The entire journey of pregnancy until you deliver the baby consists of the surfacing of several symptoms nausea; pregnancy constipation is one of those. Usually constipation refers to irregular bowel movements. This tends to linger through the early stages of pregnancy to the post delivery phase.
What Causes A Painful Constipation During And After Pregnancy?
The causes of constipation before and after delivery are different. Post delivery, the episiotomy or the torn rectal issue that was repaired after delivery, may lead one to experience an agonizing constipation. Women, who have undergone a caesarian delivery, may find themselves afflicted by ileus or the condition in which the bowel movements are deferred for a short period. Pregnancy constipation symptoms are caused by other factors too. Following are the reasons that cause pregnant women to complain about unnerving constipation -
Changed diet habitSide effects of medicines
Increased stress level
Low intake of fluid
High consumption of dehydrated fluids like caffeine enriched tea, coffee, and alcohol
Insufficient amount of sleep
Some diseases induce constipation like Parkinson's disease, stroke, diabetes, uremia, scleroderma and diseases of GI tract et all.
For relief from pregnancy constipation, consult with your physician. Besides, the medical experts' advice, you can try some measures of your own to stabilize your bowel movement.
Tips To Cure Pregnancy Constipation
To remove pregnancy constipation symptom, take special care and follow tips provided for you in this article. Among all the remedies for constipation problems, exercise has been seen to be a constipation reliever. Avoid heavy exercises, instead expectant mothers could be advised to go for a walk. A light or moderate practice of walking can be effective in the reduction of pregnancy constipation and will lessen the bloating for pregnant women.
The second solution will be adequate consumption of fluids including water as constipation hardly takes place in the presence of sufficient hydration in the body. Some calcium and vitamin supplements, especially composed for pregnant women can be taken to obtain relief from pregnancy constipation. Some women also seek relief through stool softeners. Though these stool softeners are useful to bring relief within a short time, it is not recommended that you make a habit of use of it. You may also use homemade or natural remedies that include lower risks of side effects. You can take homemade remedies during the interval of consuming foods and drinks. Beat constipation with the help of a sensible diet and exercise program.
ConstipationPregnancy constipation is an early pregnancy symptom. However, most pregnant women experience constipation during later stages of pregnancy as well. Pregnancy Period offers more information on how to cope with pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, vaginal bleeding and other pregnancy related issues including home pregnancy tests, early pregnancy care, pregnancy supplies such as pregnancy pillows and maternity clothes.
Pregnancy Constipation - How To Get Rid Of It?
Understand 2010 - Natural Home Remedies For Constipation extra
2010 - Natural Home Remedies For Constipation
Constipation RemediesTips for natural home remedies in constipation relief.
1. People do not drink enough fluids these days at least not enough to compensate for bodily needs. Drink lots of water, at least 6 glasses of water a day. Water aids in quick digestion and allows easier bowel movement.
2. Another remedy you could try is mixing water and Epsom salt. This also helps with fast constipation relief.
3. Exercising and being more active can get your bowels moving. Getting up and walking around the neighborhood in the morning is good enough to get your bowels moving.
4. If you love mango, eat one twice a day before your meals. This is a very effective bowel movers.
5. Eat lots of dietary fiber. The easiest way relieve constipation by increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your meals and cutting down on the excess of dairy and meat products.
6. Try Chia seeds mixed with water into your diet twice a day. It is high in fiber and keeps you hydrated.
7. Cantaloupes helps constipation. Its high fiber content is what actually makes it very useful to those who have constipation.
8. Flax seed oil has been a proven winner against constipation. To get results for quick relief, take 2 tablespoonfuls daily with lots of water immediately after a meal.
9. Eating one or two pounds of grapes in a day will greatly reduce the incidence of constipation. They are a great laxative and bring instant relief to the stomach.
Constipation maybe signs of a bigger problem. You may have decaying fecal buildup in your colon. This can cause colon cancer or result in toxins building up in your body causing serious health issues. I recommend colon cleansing if you regularly get constipated as a precaution. [http://www.bowtrolcoloncleanses.info]
Go through Effective Remedies For Constipation That Cure Constipation Fast! more
When most of us experience constipation, the first reaction is to head to the drugstore for a laxative, but this is not the best way to handle the problem. Constipation is usually the result of something lacking either in our diets or in our activity level, or as a side effect of medication. Laxatives work quickly because they are harsh on the body and chronic use of laxatives can cause dependence. Fortunately, there are much more gentle remedies for constipation that will return you to healthy bowel regularity and that are much more kind to your body as a whole.
These remedies for constipation are some of the easiest, and yet most effective, ways to both prevent and treat constipation.
Drink lots of water
As a general rule, it is advised that adults drink at least 8 glasses of water daily, to maintain overall health. This is especially important when it comes to preventing and treating constipation.
Two apples a day
Eating two apples in the morning has been shown to help get the bowels moving. Apples, and fruits in general, are rich in fibre and will stimulate the bowels to move. Drinking fruit juice does not have the same effect, as the juices are lacking most of the fibre present in the whole fruit.
Warm water and lemon
Another of the simplest remedies for constipation is to make a simple drink of warm (not hot) water mixed with a teaspoon or two of lemon juice. The combination of warm water and lemon juice will help to gently stimulate the bowels.
A diet rich in high-fibre fruits will help keep you regular, but if you do suffer from constipation from time to time, one of the remedies for constipation that you may want to try is a salad made of papaya and guava. These two fruits in particular are believed to be particularly useful in curing temporary bouts of constipation. Oranges are also among the best remedies for constipation. This is one case in which drinking the juice can be as effective in producing a laxative effect.
Flax seeds
One of the newer remedies for constipation is flax. Flax seeds can be eaten in a variety of ways, from sprinkled on a salad to ground up into breads or even blended into smoothies. Flax seed has natural laxative properties and incorporating these seeds into your diet will encourage good digestive health.
The next time you are experiencing constipation, don't automatically reach for over-the-counter chemical laxatives. Head to your kitchen instead. There are lots of remedies for constipation that will help alleviate your constipation in a natural, gentle way. And remember: The best cure is prevention. Ensure you are eating a healthy diet rich in high-fibre foods, drinking adequate amounts of water and getting the recommended amount of exercise daily.
Constipation Remedies For AdultsMichele has been writing articles for health research for the past several years now. Not only does she specialize in well known areas of health, such as diet and fitness, but she also spends time writing about home remedies you can use on almost any medical condition. You can check out her latest articles on Home Remedies For Constipation [http://homeremediesforconstipationsite.com] and Natural Remedies For Constipation [http://homeremediesforconstipationsite.com/remedies-for-constipation] that can help you cure your constipation quickly and effectively.
Effective Remedies For Constipation That Cure Constipation Fast!
Constipation Remedies For AdultsRead Constipation Remedies That You Can Trust much more
If you have constipation issues, then the only thing on your mind is how you can start to get relief. The state of discomfort that you are in is almost unbearable and you really want some help. Your body is going through all sorts of problems and you feel really sick. You need a solution and fast.
There are constipation remedies that you can trust that the will start working for you immediately. In just a few hours, you can start to get the relief that you have been so desperately searching for. You can get your body back to a balanced state and you can make that happen now.
A great constipation remedy is water. This may sound like a remedy that isn't going to work but that is very wrong. The reason why you are so constipated and bloated is because you are dehydrated. Your stool is so dry that it is sticking to the wall of your small intestine, making it impossible for you to excrete waste. If you want to get rid of this, then you have to keep your entire body lubricated, especially your digestive system. If you are able to do this, then you will keep your body on a schedule that will work in your favor and constipation can be a thing of the past.
Another way to get rid of constipation is to eat more natural fibers. Too many women aren't getting enough fiber in their diets and this poor diet can contribute to constipation. Too many women are just too busy to keep a balanced diet and proper nutrition a part of their daily routine. If you eat just a few more fruits and vegetables or nuts and whole grains in your day, you will notice a huge difference. Your bowel movements will be on schedule and you will feel healthier. The bloating can be a thing of the past if you start eating a better diet and taking better care of your body.
You should always stay away from candies, chocolates, trans fasts and caffeine during this time because these all make you feel bloated and can actually worsen your constipation. You need to cut these out of your diet for a while until you are back on track. Even then, try to eat as healthy as possible and continue drinking the right amount of water each and every single day.
Constipation RemediesTo find out more about how to cure your constipation problem naturally, this Helpful Site!
Constipation Remedies That You Can Trust
Constipation RemediesStudy Infant Constipation Remedy - Baby Constipation Relief far more
Infant constipation means hard and infrequent stools. It does not mean grunting or straining. How often your infant should have a bowel movement depends on if your child is breast fed or bottle fed. Before you determine the best remedy, you should first determine if your infant is really constipated.
The colon works to maintain the body's fluid balance. The colon achieves this by removing water from the stool and eliminating waste. Waste is eliminated in the form of stool. Stools are formed as water along with nutrients and salts are absorbed by the colon. If stool remains in the colon too long, too much water is absorbed, leaving it dry and hard.
Breast fed infants are never technically constipated because the milk is easily absorbed by the baby and used. What is left is stool which is loose, curd-like, seedy and mucus. Breast fed stool do not have a foul smell. Exclusively breast fed infants can go several days between movements.
When you notice your infant groaning, straining and making funny faces as he makes a bowel movement, your infant is not constipated. This is because the baby has not learned to control their abdominal and anal muscles to relax and expand when making a bowl movement. Once you introduce solids or formula, constipation may be become an issue.
Constipation in formula fed infants is very common. Infant formula is not as well digested as breast milk and more residues are left in the colon. Because formula takes longer to digest, the residue builds up, too much water is absorb and the stool becomes hard and pebble-like. It may be difficult and uncomfortable for your infant to pass. In this case straining and groaning may occur. Formula fed infants should have a bowel movement every 1-2 days.
If your infant is constipated here are some helpful remedies:
* Gently massage your infant's tummy. Stop if the baby seems to be in pain.
* Rotate the legs in a 'bicycle" movement. This causes the stomach muscles to move and stimulate the colon.
* Fruit Juice: Offer your infant a few ounces of fruit juice (apple, prune) until the bowels are moving.
* Try a gentle rectal exam. Insert a lubricated thermometer or Q-tip about a quarter inch into the rectum and wiggle it around. This really works so be prepared for what comes out.
* Karo syrup: Add about two teaspoons to formula. Corn syrup draws more fluid into the intestine, which makes stool less hard. Be sure not to give too much because diarrhea can occur
* Liquid Glycerin Suppositories for Infants: suppositories work by increasing water in the stool.
* For infants on solids offer prunes, peaches, pears, plums, apricots and peas. They make stools softer.
When to contact the doctor:
* If your infant cries while straining
* Constipation remains a persistent problem
* The number of wet diapers decreases each day
* Blood in stool or bleeding from anus
* Abdominal pain
* Reduced Appetite
Constipation Remedies For AdultsKaaryn Walker is the editor of http://www.nomoreconstipation.com a website providing information on causes, symptoms and relief from constipation. To learn more about remedies for constipation in infants, adults, and seniors visit No More Constipation.
Infant Constipation Remedy - Baby Constipation Relief
Constipation Remedies For AdultsRead Constipation Could Be A Symptom of A Corn Allergy much more
Most people don't like to talk about constipation although many struggle with it on a nearly daily basis. It appears that large or hard bowel movements may be behind such things as advertisements for toilets that can flush 29 golf balls at once. To alleviate this painful and difficult condition, many turn to laxatives. While laxatives can work short term, they are not recommended for long term use. Additionally, chronic constipation can cause all sorts of other problems for your body. It's important to get to the root of the problem instead of relying on harsh medications.
Lifestyle changes such as eating more fruits like apples, walking or exercising more can all help alleviate constipation. Adding other foods like yogurt to your daily routine can also be a way to improve overall digestive health. If you've tried all of these things, but still have chronic constipation, your problem might actually be an undiagnosed food allergy such as a corn allergy.
Not everyone who is allergic to foods has constipation as a symptom, but some do. I've received many emails from people who are allergic to corn and suffered with severe constipation until they realized the problem and eliminated corn. Unfortunately, most people eat corn or a corn derivative at every meal, so it's hard to realize what the real cause of the constipation really is.
Infants who are allergic to corn can be particularly susceptible to constipation, especially if the baby is being fed formula. Most formulas are made with corn syrup solids or other corn derivatives that can cause constipation or abdominal pain, gas and bloating for the baby. New parents often don't understand that the formula is the cause of their baby's stomach aches and continue to feed their baby formula only to learn the cause of their infant's distress much later.
In addition to constipation problems, some people are so sensitive to corn that using toilet paper, which has corn starch in it, can cause problems. Some get a raw bottom, others get hives or sores. Wipes can also contain corn. If someone is this sensitive to corn, they will have to use water or cloth or both to clean themselves. Additionally, diapers or feminine products might cause similar reactions. Calling companies individually is the best way to confirm whether or not products contain corn. Unfortunately, many have found it necessary to call companies multiple times and proceed with caution when trying anything new. Often times the people answering the phones don't have enough information to answer questions correctly, so if your allergy is severe, you must be extremely careful.
ConstipationLilly Verden is a health and wellness writer for Corn Allergy Symptoms. She enjoys writing on a variety of topics including food allergies, corn derivatives, and corn free recipes.
Constipation Could Be A Symptom of A Corn Allergy
Go through Home Remedies for Constipation extra
Many people who suffer from constipation invariably end up taking laxatives without realizing how much harm these can cause. The best way to treat constipation is by eating foods or using home remedies that can induce movements of the bowel and also aid in the cleansing of the colon and digestive tract.
There are many home remedies for constipation that a person can use to ease discomfort, and bloating are as follows:
• Castor oil is a natural laxative. Taking one teaspoon of castor oil early in the morning helps bowel movements.
• Drinking a warm glass water sweetened with one teaspoon of honey twice a day helps to ease constipation.
• Orange juice mixed with olive and consumed twice a day helps to relieve constipation. Mix half cup each of orange juice and olive oil.
• Aloe vera is known for many curative properties. One such property is treating constipation. Juice of aloe vera can ease constipation. Have some juice in the morning and then again in the evening to help loosen the bowels.
• If you are looking for a natural colon cleanser and laxative, then mix a teaspoon of corn syrup in one glass of water.
• You can also use phylum husk to ease constipation. The husk can be mixed with warm milk or water to treat constipation.
• Cranberry juice and prune juice not only work to help loosen bowels, they also cleanse the colon. These juices should be consumed in the morning when having breakfast.
• For some people, a cup of coffee early in the morning helps to relieve constipation. However, this is not recommended due to the ill-effects of caffeine on health.
• If a baby is suffering from constipation, it can be eased by mixing raisin juice and a little bit of butter. Give the mixture three times a day. This gentle laxative will not cause any harm to the baby, so you can give it without worrying.
• Soak 2 dates overnight and the following morning, make a pulp. Then consume the pulp three times in a day to ease constipation.
• Juice of certain fruits, like papaya, banana, apple, avocado, and figs, helps to provide relief from constipation.
• Mix quarter cup of carrot juice, one cup of tomato juice and half cup of sauerkraut juice and consume this mixture three times a day to help with bowel movements.
While these remedies will provide relief from constipation, make sure that you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, drink ample water and get regular exercise. If you follow this regimen, you will not suffer from constipation.
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in health care industry. He also offers top quality articles like: Symptoms Of Glaucoma, Double Vision Causes
Home Remedies for Constipation
Constipation RemediesUnderstand Home Remedies For Constipation - Alternatives, Laxatives And Lifestyle Shifts extra
Home Remedies For Constipation - Alternatives, Laxatives And Lifestyle Shifts
Constipation RemediesHome remedies for constipation are the first choice for many and you will often be able to reverse the symptoms of constipation with some simple lifestyle changes or possibly the use of over-the-counter laxative or alternative treatments. Yet you want more than a simple list of cures, that is why this article shares exact steps to take to treat your constipation symptoms at home.
You will know that you have constipation if you have three or fewer bowel movements per week and your stool is dry and hard or causes you to strain when trying to go to the bathroom.
When To See Your Doctor For Constipation Symptoms
Home remedies for constipation often do the trick because the condition is typically a result of too little fluids and fiber in the diet but it can be a sign of an underlying condition. You will want to make an appointment to see your doctor if your constipation seems to be severe or persists for longer than three weeks. Also consult your doctor if you notice other symptoms associated with your constipation such as:
Severe abdominal pain or cramping
Blood in the stool
Constipation with intermittent diarrhea
Pain in the rectal area
Thin or narrow stool
Unexplained weight loss
List of Home Remedies for Constipation
Mild or infrequent bouts of constipation will typically respond well to these home remedies for constipation:
Following a high-fiber diet. Fiber is a type of food that moves through your digestive tract basically intact helping you go to the bathroom with more ease. Fiber is found in foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Limiting low-fiber foods. Some foods can make symptoms of constipation worse. You will want to limit your intake of cheese, meats and processed foods (i.e. boxed meals or packaged snacks) for a few days to see if symptoms subside.
Drinking plenty of water. You will want to aim for a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. You can consume other beverages but you want to limit sugary drinks and sodas.
Getting enough exercise. Physical activity helps stimulate movement within your digestive tract. Aim to increase your physical activity with daily 10-15 minute walks or other low to moderate intensity activities.
Taking time to have a bowel movement when you need to. Do not try to rush or force a bowel movement. Allow yourself adequate time and if you have an urge to use the bathroom during the day, do not delay or try to hold it.
Over-The-Counter Laxatives For Constipation
Over-the-counter (OTC) laxatives are the next step if the above home remedies for constipation do not work. There are several types of OTC laxatives to choose from and I will warn you that some laxatives can become habit-forming so you may want to discuss what is right for you with your doctor. Here is a list of laxatives available:
Fiber supplements, also called bulk laxatives may be a good place to start because they have few side-effects and are generally considered safe to take. These would include FiberCon, Metamucil, Konsyl, Serutan and Citrucel. Take them with lots of water.
Stimulants are a type of laxative that causes stronger and more rhythmic contractions in the intestines. Examples include Correctol, Dulcolax or Senokot.
Lubricating Agents allow for a smoother passage of stool and examples include mineral oils and Fleet.
Stool Softeners provide the stool with more moisture so it is not as dry and hard making it easier to pass. You could choose from Colace or Surfac.
Osmotics are a type of laxative that bring fluids into the digestive tract to help stool move easily. Examples include Cephulac, Sorbitol and Miralax.
Saline laxatives also bring fluids into the digestive tract for easier movement of stool. Examples include Milk of Magnesia and Haley's M-O.
Alternative Remedies for Constipation
Alternative remedies for constipation have been successful for many people and may be worth a try or discuss these options with your doctor:
Acupuncture. Used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine, acupuncture has been shown to relieve many digestive conditions including constipation.
Traditional Massage. Massage may help relieve stress, relax muscles, and help stimulate bowel activity.
Homeopathic remedies. Holistic remedies have been used for years to treat constipation. Discuss herbs and other homeopathic remedies with your doctor.
Simple lifestyle changes, such as eating a high-fiber diet, getting regular physical activity, and drinking more water can often be enough to alleviating constipation. You can also try over-the-counter laxatives and alternative remedies for constipation relief.
I hope you find these home remedies for constipation helpful. If you have recurrent constipation problems you will want to take an active role in your health by learning all you can about Constipation including how it is diagnosed and medical treatments.
You can read more about this condition and use a free tool that walks you through your symptoms and leads you to an online diagnosis. Prepare yourself before your doctor's visit and figure out what your symptoms mean using this Medical Symptom Diagnosis Tool.
Read through Constipation Home Remedies much more
Constipation Home Remedies
ConstipationA lot of people suffer with constipation and although it might appear to be an amusing condition for persons looking in, for someone who must live with this condition it can be a serious predicament. Constipation home remedies are usually the first solution for somebody who has constipation and with good reason; the majority of these home remedies work and work very well.
Some of constipation symptoms can be nausea, leg pains, headache, flatulence, fever and loss of appetite. All of which must not be underestimated, because they can develop into a problem in themselves. It ought to be noted at this point, that even if bowel movements are occurring, there might still be constipation. This is for the reason that if you experience erratic bowel movements i.e. They do not take place every day and are easy to pass, you might also be considered to be constipated.
For nearly everyone who has constipation, their first port of call while searching for constipation home remedies should analyze their diets. Proper diet can solve all constipation problems and it is the best home remedy.
In general we must all try to consume more fruits and more vegetables. This will add bulk and fiber to the diet and so it should cure constipation. However, you should avoid vegetables that cause flatulence: These include cabbage, sprouts, beans and foods such as nuts and also some dried foods. Processed, fatty foods and fried foods should be avoided too.
As a replacement for one of the fruits that ought to be added to the diet are figs. Well accepted throughout time as one of the constipation home remedies, figs can be soaked overnight in water and be prepared for breakfast the next morning. You can also consume figs as the basis for a homemade blended drink. Simply toss in three or four figs, add some oat milk and some prune juice and blend it all. This is an excellent drink that when taken regularly for a few days will usually help to relieve constipation.
Wholegrain breads and cereals ought to also be added to the diet of somebody who has irregular bowel movements or is constipated. These breads and cereals help to add the needed bulk that our bodies need to remove the waste. In the same way the fiber that these foods contain, is also vital to keep the bowels healthy and working well.
You should also exercise every day and drink a lot of water as this will help to keep your organism working healthy and encourage the waste to naturally and easily leave the body.
To learn about diet that can solve constipation and many other health problems go to: Food for Health and Energy.
You might also check the Colon Cleansing Diet [http://goodhealth-4u.info/colon-cleansing/colon-cleansing-diet/colon-cleansing-diet.php]
Read through Magnesium to Treat Constipation - An Effective Laxative additional
Magnesium to Treat Constipation - An Effective Laxative
Constipation Remedies For AdultsMagnesium is a naturally occurring mineral in our body. It is important because it helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, strengthens bones, supports a healthy immune system, promotes normal blood pressure and regulates blood sugar levels. Magnesium is also known to aid irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by regulating bowel movements and easing constipation.
Magnesium relaxes the muscles and increases the amount of water in the colon which softens the stool and makes it easier to pass. Magnesium Citrate is an effective product used to treat constipation on a short-term basis. Physicians routinely prescribe laxatives containing magnesium as a way to clean out the intestines in preparation for surgery or bowel procedures.
Magnesium citrate is a saline laxative which increases fluid in the small intestine. It usually results in a bowel movement within 30 minutes to 3 hours.
Magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia) is used to treat occasional constipation as well as heartburn, or indigestion. Be sure to drink plenty of water when taking magnesium hydroxide.
Green leafy vegetables good sources of magnesium. Some legumes (beans and peas), nuts, seeds, and whole, unrefined grains are also good sources of magnesium. Refined and processed foods contain low amounts of magnesium. For example whole grain wheat bread provides more magnesium than bread made from white refined flour. Tap water is also a source of magnesium, but the amount varies according to the water supply. Water that contains more minerals is described as "hard" water. "Hard" water contains more magnesium than "soft" water.
Kaaryn Walker is the editor of http://www.nomoreconstipation.com a website providing information on causes, symptoms and relief from constipation. To learn more about remedies for constipation in infants, adults, and seniors visit No More Constipation.