Go through Effective Remedies For Constipation That Cure Constipation Fast! more

When most of us experience constipation, the first reaction is to head to the drugstore for a laxative, but this is not the best way to handle the problem. Constipation is usually the result of something lacking either in our diets or in our activity level, or as a side effect of medication. Laxatives work quickly because they are harsh on the body and chronic use of laxatives can cause dependence. Fortunately, there are much more gentle remedies for constipation that will return you to healthy bowel regularity and that are much more kind to your body as a whole.

These remedies for constipation are some of the easiest, and yet most effective, ways to both prevent and treat constipation.

Drink lots of water

As a general rule, it is advised that adults drink at least 8 glasses of water daily, to maintain overall health. This is especially important when it comes to preventing and treating constipation.

Two apples a day

Eating two apples in the morning has been shown to help get the bowels moving. Apples, and fruits in general, are rich in fibre and will stimulate the bowels to move. Drinking fruit juice does not have the same effect, as the juices are lacking most of the fibre present in the whole fruit.

Warm water and lemon

Another of the simplest remedies for constipation is to make a simple drink of warm (not hot) water mixed with a teaspoon or two of lemon juice. The combination of warm water and lemon juice will help to gently stimulate the bowels.


A diet rich in high-fibre fruits will help keep you regular, but if you do suffer from constipation from time to time, one of the remedies for constipation that you may want to try is a salad made of papaya and guava. These two fruits in particular are believed to be particularly useful in curing temporary bouts of constipation. Oranges are also among the best remedies for constipation. This is one case in which drinking the juice can be as effective in producing a laxative effect.

Flax seeds

One of the newer remedies for constipation is flax. Flax seeds can be eaten in a variety of ways, from sprinkled on a salad to ground up into breads or even blended into smoothies. Flax seed has natural laxative properties and incorporating these seeds into your diet will encourage good digestive health.

The next time you are experiencing constipation, don't automatically reach for over-the-counter chemical laxatives. Head to your kitchen instead. There are lots of remedies for constipation that will help alleviate your constipation in a natural, gentle way. And remember: The best cure is prevention. Ensure you are eating a healthy diet rich in high-fibre foods, drinking adequate amounts of water and getting the recommended amount of exercise daily.

Constipation Remedies For Adults

Michele has been writing articles for health research for the past several years now. Not only does she specialize in well known areas of health, such as diet and fitness, but she also spends time writing about home remedies you can use on almost any medical condition. You can check out her latest articles on Home Remedies For Constipation [http://homeremediesforconstipationsite.com] and Natural Remedies For Constipation [http://homeremediesforconstipationsite.com/remedies-for-constipation] that can help you cure your constipation quickly and effectively.

Effective Remedies For Constipation That Cure Constipation Fast!

Constipation Remedies For Adults